Monday, December 3, 2012


Dear, Ira
Is everything okay, sist? I hope life treats you well. You must be very busy through your duty as a university-level instrusctor assistant. You know, im very proud of you! I tell you what! You can get many achievements if you want.
I just received your latest fax that told about poster contest which is holded by your university. Likely I want to join it. I was a little bit confused about it. Umm.. could you give the complete one, sist? Im looking forward to hearing from you. Take care.
Best Regards,

    Ana Alimatus Zaqiyah

You need :
  •  4 bananas
  • Purdling chocolate milk
  • A bar of cheese
  • Butter
  • 2 strawberries
  • Stove
  • Wok
  • Spatula
  • Scraper of cheese
Steps :
  • First, peel 4 bananas
  • Heat the butter until it melt
  • Fry bananas until they look brownish
  • Then, put the bananas on plate. Set it by your own taste
  • Pour the purdling chocolate milk, and sprinkle the cheese
  • As the garnish we can add strawberries and pandanus

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Animal Instict

            I started to walk along streets passing several shady trees in San Fransisco. I felt that fresh air for each step i took, feeling blessing after buying some foods for my kids. Because not all of people could have their breakfast. From a distance i looked some cars that parked in front of my simple house. Suddenly i had unpleasent feeling. Oh no ! could them be social workers?. Reflectly i released some foods which i hold and run as fast as i could. As i come, one of tan skin man said to me, “Im sorry, I have to take your children, Mrs. Clinton.” “No, you cant!” i opposed him by arresting my emotion. “you’re not having a job yet.” “I said NO! I can get a job in two days! I have some interviews today!”. I was in bad temperred when two of them grabbed my arms. As i kept struggling to get free. While in the house one woman entered approaching my kids. “hey how are you doing? I will bring you to a better place.” She tried to bring them to the outside. “Dont take my kids!” “DONT TAKE MY KIDS!!” i was totally going berserk as one of woman took my children. “you’ve lied to me!” “DONT TAKE MY BABY AWAY” i shouted again for several times. “Dont take my baby away!” i couldn’t hold my tears, i was very frustated. “I love you” I said to them after they entered one of the cars and still shouting on me.
            After they left me alone I sat sadly in the living room. How could they take my lovely kids? Didn’t they hav a kid yet? Could they fell what i felt right now? It was so sad if they didn’t know that. I was just Kenny Clinton, a jobless mom that just had John and Tom Clinton, my lovely kids who they took just now. And i know too that in San Fransisco here had a ‘jerk’ regulation that “every neglacted children will be protected by the government”. But hey! Dont you know later i really would have a job! I grumbled by crying sobly. I could not quiet. I must take my children back!. Quickly i took my old black wig and wore it. I drove my car as fast as i can and stopped in front of Children’s Aid. Nimblely i could take my children out of it and went to the place where they couldn’t catch us. My children was so happy to know that the black wig woman was their mom.
            “RESTAURANT”. I parked my car there and bought two ice creams for my kids. They were so happy but i found my money wasn’t enough to pay it. Carefully i came out by not paying the ice creams at all. I brought mu kids away from this big city, San Fransisco. At night we slept in our car in front of on shop. And two of my neighbours saw us. I found my self still explored this big city by map with my two kids. I parked my car again in one of savannah and played bubble blowing. We were so happy then. Especially me, nothing could replace my happy feeling right now. They were my everything. In the night we stayed in lowrate Motel. Finally in the morning we had to say goodbye to San Fransisco after having so much memories. I wanted to go to Florida. Finding my car wasn’t good to be driven, i looked a truck that may please bringing us to the south, i stopped and entered in.
My lovely kids, dont worry i’ll treat you well as best as i could. And I had learn from this tragedy if I had an aim I had to endevor to get it, never give up in it! ^_^

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Saat tangan tergenggam dengan yang tak halal harusnya bukan bangga, tapi malu karena begitu mudahnya lelaki dapatkan dirimu

kemuliaanmu bukan karena paras cantikmu, hingga banyak lelaki mengejarmu. Muliamu sebesar rasa takutmu pada Tuhanmu.


Sejarah Komputer

Mechanical Computer

Blaise Pascal memulai dengan menciptakan mesin hitung pada 1642 (sepertinya nama bahasa pemrograman Pascal muncul dari sini). Setelah itu sekitar 1820-an Charles Babbage membangun mesin analisis, dimana mesin tersebut memiliki memori, unit komputasi, serta input/output unit. Pada saat itu Ada Lovelace bekerja untuknya dan disebut sebagai Programmer pertama di dunia (nama bahasa pemrograman Ada digunakan untuk menghargainya). Model mesin Babbage terus dikembangkan dari tahun ke tahun. Collosus, komputer pertama di dunia, dikembangkan oleh Alan Turing (seorang matematikawan).

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)

ENIAC ini didesign oleh Mauchley dan Eckert dengan tujuan awal untuk melakukan kalkulasi di sebuah lab bernama Army Ballistic Laboratory. Mesin ini mampu mengeksekusi 5000 kalkulasi per detik. Komputer berberat 30 ton ini menggunakan tabung udara sebagai elemen dasarnya. Tugas pertamanya adalah membantu mendesain H-Bomb. Kebanyakan orang mengenal ENIAC sebagai komputer pertama di dunia.

Mesin von Neumann

IAS (1952) salah satu komputer yang dibangun olehnya memiliki beberapa dasar komponen dai komputer2 saat ini. Diantaranya memori utama (menyimpan data dan instruksi2), ALU (untuk pemrosesan data), control unit, serta input/output device. IAS memiliki 1000 memori dengan 40 bit masing-masingnya.

Komputer Masa Pra-transistor

UNIVAC I, Sperry Rand Corporation, merupakan komputer pertama yang sukses dikomersilkan pada awal2 tahun 1950-an. UNIVAC II memiliki kapasitas memori yang lebih besar. UNIVAC 1100 series merupakan seri UNIVAC paling sukses, yang didesign untuk aplikasi2 sains.

Komputer Masa Pasca-transistor

Transistor sendiri dikembangkan di lab Bell pada tahun 1947. IBM menggunakan transistor di dalam komputernya. Transistor mampu menghasilkan kecepatan yang lebih baik, memori yang lebih besar, dan ukuran yang lebih kecil. Komputer generasi 2 dimulai dengan pemakaian transistor ini. Bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi (FORTRAN) dipakai saat itu.

Komputer Generasi 3

Komputer generasi 3 ditandai oleh adanya sirkuit yang terintegrasi. Transistor dan sirkuit device yang lain terpasang dalam satu chip saja. Produk-produk yang masuk generasi ini diantaranya IBM system 360, DEC PDP-8.

Microprocessor dan Nanoprocessor

Microprocessor pertama dikembangkan pada sebuah chip 4004 (Intel) untuk sebuah kalkulator. Setelah itu muncul komputer-komputer yang menggunakan teknologi ini. Bagaimana dengan saat ini? Di Era Nano Teknologi ini, processor yang semakin kecil ukurannya menjadi semakin powerfull dalam memproses instruksi2. Saat ini banyak komputer yang sudah menggunakan teknologi Multi-core atau Multiprocessor

Recount Text

Shinta's Experience

5 years ago in a village named Bettet Pamekasan, there was a girl that used to be called Shinta which is now, she is one of my classmate. She was one of students in SDN bugih 3 Pamekasan then.

In the afternoon as usual she took a bath in her bathroom before she went cycling, that's her hobby. Before that, she prepared everything that she needed like change clothes. They were like T-S and long pants. After several minutes she has ended her bath. When she has worn in her pants, she felt something weird but she got nothing when she took a look to her pants. Suddenly there was something moving inside the pants. She felt shock and reflex she grabbed that tightly through her pants. "Mommy Mommy" she screamed loudly. "what what ? what's wrong?" asked her mom while holding a spatula from the kitchen. "what happened?" not defeated to be shocked Shinta's sister added. "this this aaaa what's that? shout Shinta loudly." in other hand shinta's sister and her mom were busy discussing what animal it was. Was it a mouse or a frog?. After several seconds her mom decided to ask Shinta got off her pants. The awkward moment. Shinta couldn'it open it yet. Finally her sister got off her pants and sway it. Suddenly there was a dead mouse scattered in the floor. Apperently it was a mouse. ckck

Since having those experience Shinta was illfeel if she met that thing named Mouse. there was one of her favorite experiences beside went to a river .

Sunday, February 5, 2012


hi guys, welcome to my new blog. May this is not the first, but i really hope im serious to run this blog well.. hihi wassalam.